Product Information Management System

A Product Information Management (PIM) system catapults your customers’ experience to the next level

A product information management (PIM) system helps you collect, consolidate and distribute accurate product data across your business network. It gives your customers consistent access to detailed and relevant product information including SKUs, descriptions, specifications, images, videos and more.

When your business is small, it’s easy to keep track of all your product information. As it grows, managing all the data can quickly become a minefield.

There’s a lot that can go wrong, from discrepancies in SKUs, prices and promotions through to out-of-date inventory numbers or incorrectly allocated images and videos. Every error costs you time and money – and negatively impacts your customers’ experience and hence your bottom line.

Avoid these costly mistakes with a PIM that holds all your product data in one master system and ensures your customers know exactly what they’re buying.

Note: A PIM is sometimes known by these alternative names:

Item Master

Product Data Manager (PDM)

Product Content Manager (PCM)

Product Resource Manager (PRM)

Product Image Manager (PIM)

What can you do with a PIM?

A PIM centralises all your master product data into a single management system. This allows several teams to collaborate in approving one true version of all product information. With a single source of data for every product-related purpose, you can quickly and easily:

Update product prices, descriptions and specs across the board

Link products to all their related images and documents

Create cross-sell and up-sell relationships between products

Create categories for easy management

Create, publish and update product catalogues

Create and distribute approved marketing material to all your sales channels

Manage product data for different geographic locations, languages and currencies

Manage multiple price lists either through your ERP or in the PIM

Your PIM is hosted in the cloud and is available whenever and wherever your team needs it. All you require is the internet and a browser.

How will a PIM benefit your business?

A PIM improves efficiency and productivity, and helps you take control of your product data as you scale your business. Improve your conversion rates, reduce your returns and boost your profits as you:

Ensure accuracy and consistency across all your data with one source of truth

Save time and reduce errors and bottlenecks caused by manual input methods

Distribute up-to-date branding and product data across your business network giving you a consistent brand identity

Optimise your content to provide rich resources for all your sales channels

Reduce overheads, improve workflows and get to market faster by automating processes

Improve collaboration across departments by eliminating data silos

Reduce returns caused by incorrect or out-of-date product information

Streamline your purchasing by closely managing stock levels

Easily manage data for all your suppliers and other providers

Provide an extremely satisfying customer experience that builds loyalty and trust

Who needs PIM software?

Any company can benefit from implementing a PIM solution, but it is essential if:

Image of a tick

Your manufacturing business needs to consistently supply distributors and sellers with accurate product information

Image of a tick

Your business sells many different products

Image of a tick

Your product information is complex and comes from multiple suppliers

Image of a tick

Your product offering changes often

Image of a tick

Your products are interrelated

Image of a tick

Your business processes could be automated

Image of a tick

Your are currently using your ERP to fulfil this function

Image of a tick

You sell across several different channels

Image of a tick

You experience a higher than average volume of returns

Every member of your team needs access to quality data to do their job well, including your:

Sales department icon

Sales department
to give correct information to customers

Marketing department icon

Marketing team
to promote your brand and your products

Data management icon

E-commerce manager and/or data management team
to continuously update content and improve user experience

Compliance team icon

Compliance team
to ensure all legal requirements are met

Technical team icon

Technical team
to ensure the specifications and features of every product are correctly captured

What kind of data does a PIM manage?

Each product in your inventory can have a great deal of information associated with it. This data could be managed by you, received from outside the company or linked to data in other departments/resources. Your PIM needs to be able to handle each of these processes. For example:

File with content on it

Essential product data

Item name, SKU, price and description

Blue data icon

Sales information

Prices and promotions

Blue user icons

Customer content

Testimonials and customer reviews

Blue icon of paint brush

Design specifications

Designer notes, assembly instructions, style options, maintenance videos and instructions, installation videos and instructions

Blue spanner icon

Technical specifications

Dimensions, ingredients, materials and warrantees or guarantees

Tree icon

Product relationships

Associations between products, variations of products and their classification and categorisation

Image icon

Digital assets

Product images and videos

Blue clip board with a tick on it

Channel-specific information

Mobile descriptions, Amazon titles or Google categories

Blue mega-phone icon

Marketing information

Customer personas, SEO keywords and other SEO elements

Blue fines icon

General information

Manufacturer, supplier and research data

Features of Comalytics PIM

Features of a PIM system

  • Collect raw data from your ERP, product suppliers, online sources and external providers like photographers and copywriters

  • Decide how much of the available data to use

  • Identify which sources take priority

  • Clean the data where necessary

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