IQ Retail e-commerce integration

Why IQ Retail e-commerce integration is essential for your business

As a comprehensive ERP system, IQ Retail is superior to other systems in terms of the volume of e-commerce information it can store. Our e-commerce integration gathers all the relevant information in IQ Retail and transfers it to your online store. This includes everything from item number and product name, to images, categorization, and item dimensions necessary for courier integration. Other details such as promotional and instructional videos, marketing and product brochures, technical specification or installation and user manuals that you don’t need to store in IQ Retail can also be directly fed to your e-commerce store.

If your business focuses on sales to businesses at customer specific wholesale prices, or to the public at retail prices, you will find our comprehensive IQ Retail e-commerce integration ideal. By integrating your IQ Retail ERP system to our comprehensive e-commerce software, you will eliminate the need to manage data in more than one place or align systems manually, since the integration makes it possible to maintain a single data repository and automates system alignment. To request a free consultation, contact our team!

Our e-commerce integration caters for:

  • Products marked for e-commerce,

  • Stock or inventory levels,

  • Sales orders, delivery track & trace information recent order history,

  • Customers, recent account & financial transactions, and

  • Retail, wholesale and customer specific prices.

Ensure that your products are up to date

Our IQ Retail e-commerce integration will ensure that all your e-commerce store products are up to date and available to your customers. Only products that are active and flagged for e-commerce are shown, using the web item flag. This helps manage your e-commerce store products efficiently. You can easily remove products you no longer want to sell, or products that are not yet ready to sell by simply removing the web item flag. You can also change the status of your products to inactive or deleted in IQ Retail. When you are ready, just change the indicators to include them back in your e-commerce store.

Manage stock or inventory levels efficiently

Our IQ Retail e-commerce integration gives you the option of hiding stock availability from your customers on your e-commerce store; however, making it visible to them can boost your business integrity. Also, you have the advantage of ensuring that your customers never go through the frustration of ordering out of stock items, thus minimising your administrative hours spent in reversing these orders or managing expectations.

With your IQ Retail system, ensuring that your e-commerce stock levels are always up to date can be difficult, especially when your stock is fast moving. Our integration helps you synchronise your stock levels from across your warehouses and branches between IQ Retail and your e-commerce system. Stock conversion factor functionality is also supported in IQ Retail. For example, if you stock 12 cans of Coke, our integration can also show 2 six packs of Coke available, reflecting the IQ Retail functionality.

Take full advantage of your e-commerce functionality and choose from our multiple options to display stock levels to your customers, such as:

  • Accurate stock availability (showing the actual number of items in stock),

  • Show if an item is in or out of stock (use an icon or words just reflecting ‘in stock’ or ‘out of stock’, or

  • Choose not to reveal stock indicator.

Even if you decide not to show stock to your customers, the functionality can hide items that are not available and prioritise items that are in stock when a customer uses the search functionality to search for specific categories or products.

Automatic processing of sales orders with zero errors

E-commerce systems automate the sales order placing process, eliminating the errors often caused by manual order planning, especially with a large customer base. Besides this, another major advantage of e-commerce systems is 24 x 7 availability, giving your customers the convenience of placing orders outside business hours, on weekends, and even on public holidays.

When your customer places an order online, our e-commerce integration directly places it in your IQ Retail system allowing the customer access to the IQ Retail order number, making it easy to deal with subsequent enquiries quickly and effectively.

Of course, if you want to review the order first, it can be kept on hold. If the order can be processed right away, it can be released to trigger your logistics process such as printing packing lists in the warehouse, so that the order can be fulfilled as soon as possible.

Your customers get access to their orders via the order list, where they can view order details, status, invoices and delivery track and trace information (where provided). Items in the order can also be reordered, besides downloading the order or emailing the order to an email address of their choice.

Our B2B solution has extra functionality for business customers. Prior to order placement, the e-commerce system can do various checks all based on your current process. These include:

  • Assessing payment options available to the customer

  • If paying by account, customer’s credit availability

  • Allowing the customer to place an order despite being out of credit

  • Option of allowing change of delivery address

  • Calculate how early the order can be delivered

  • Option of ordering out of stock items

Additionally, orders not placed via the e-commerce system can be included in the order history for business customers, letting them track or re-order online using orders created directly in IQ Retail.

Detailed customer database

IQ Retail’s e-commerce integration supports all the required B2B customer information so that for every business user there is a customer account and ship-to address linked from IQ Retail. This can also be associated to specific stores or branches if required.

An IQ Retail customer’s relevant account information such as recent invoices, credit limits and payment methods are synchronised and made available online to the customer so that your accounts department don’t need to field unnecessary phone calls.

You can also filter products using customer information from IQ Retail via this integration ensuring that your customers see only those products that are available for purchase.

Integrate wholesale, retail and custom prices

IQ Retail will be your one-stop source for customer prices, integrating retail prices, whole sale prices, and customer specific prices from IQ Retail to your e-commerce system.

When your B2B customers sign in to the system, they will view prices specific to them, including customer specific discounts, volume discounts and specials.

An IQ Retail e-commerce integration solution for your unique needs

Our comprehensive e-commerce integration to IQ Retail comes in a wide range of configurations to suit a plethora of requirements. However, we do realize that there are a number of business scenarios and requirements that might need custom solutions. For any specific requirements you may have that we have not covered here, please contact us to see if we are able to meet your needs.

What you need to do

Our e-commerce integration to IQ Retail is implemented using a combination of the IQ Retail API and our proprietary integration software. To access this integration, please contact IQ Retail or your IQ Retail reseller for details about the pricing and the process of activating the IQ Retail API.

  • Also, let us know what your e-commerce goals are. Sell to the public at retail prices, i.e. our business-to-consumer (B2C) solution, or

  • Sell to businesses at customer specific prices, i.e. our business-to-business (B2B) solution, or

  • Sell to both the public and businesses

You can read more about the above mentioned products here or see our B2B pricing and B2C pricing.

If you have specific questions about our e-commerce integration solutions, we’d be happy to answer those via a free consultation.

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