Comprehensive Pastel Partner integration

Integrate relevant information in your e-commerce store with Pastel Partner

Pastel Partner is a system that is written to cater mainly for finance as opposed to e-commerce. Our integration brings all the pertinent e-commerce information available in Pastel Partner over to your online store such at item number, product name and product status.

You are then able to further enrich this data directly in your e-commerce store with information that you need to sell online: long descriptions, images, product categories, promotional and instructional videos, marketing and product brochures, technical specification or installation and user manuals.

We offer comprehensive Pastel Partner e-commerce integration whether you are selling to businesses at customer specific wholesale prices, or to the public at retail prices. There is no need to maintain data in two places or manually keep systems aligned. For a free consultation, please contact us.

We cater for:

  • Products flagged for e-commerce,

  • Stock or inventory levels,

  • Sales invoices, delivery track & trace information recent order history,

  • Customers, recent account & financial transactions, and

  • Retail, wholesale and customer specific prices

Update your e-commerce store products

We make sure all the products that you want to sell on your e-commerce store are up to date and available to your customers. We only show products that are active and products that you have flagged for e-commerce. We use the ‘User Defined Field 1’ to flag web items, as Pastel doesn’t have this as a standard field. In short, if you don’t want to sell an item on your e-commerce store any more or if the product is not ready to sell yet, you simply remove the web item flag from the user defined field of that product and the item is removed from your e-commerce store. The same happens when you change the status of your products to inactive or deleted in Pastel Partner. Changing the indicators back again will put the products back on your e-commerce store.

Synchronise stock or inventory levels easily

You can choose not to show stock availability to your customers on your e-commerce store, but it boosts your credibility if you do. You can also prevent customer frustration of ordering items that are not available and reduce your administrative burden reversing these orders or managing expectations.

Keeping your e-commerce store’s stock levels up to date with your Pastel Partner system can be nearly impossible if you have fast moving stock. Our integration synchronises your stock levels between Pastel Partner and your e-commerce platform.

It enables you to make full use of your e-commerce functionality and use various options to display stock levels to your customers, such as:

  • Show the exact numbers of stock available,

  • Indicate whether an item is in our out of stock, or

  • Don’t show any stock indicator,

Even if you do not show stock to your customers, having the stock levels enables you to use functionality such as temporarily hiding items with 0 stock or prioritising in-stock items on search results.

Generate error-free sales invoices

One of the key benefits of e-commerce systems is to automate the manual and error prone placing of sales invoices and to do so from a much wider customer base. The e-commerce system is available 24×7 which means that your customers can place orders outside business hours, on weekends and public holidays.

Our integration places the e-commerce order directly in your Pastel Partner system as a sales invoice. We make the Pastel Partner invoice number available to the customer to ensure that subsequent enquiries can be dealt with quickly and effectively.

The customer can access their orders via the orders list where they can see the order details, status, invoices and delivery track and trace information where provided. The customer will also be able to reorder the items on the order, download the order or e-mail the order to a nominated email address.

We offer further functionality for business customers on our B2B solution. The e-commerce system can do various checks all based on your current process before placing the order, such as:

  • Checking if the customer has enough credit available if paying by account,

  • Allowing the customer to place an order despite being out of credit,

  • Allowing or not allowing the customer to change their delivery address,

Manage customer database with ease

The integration to Pastel Partner caters for all the required B2B customer information. It means that every business user is linked to a customer account and ship-to address from Pastel Partner and can also be associated to specific stores or branches if necessary.

Customer relevant account information such as recent invoices and credit limits are synchronised from Pastel Partner and made available online to the customer to prevent non-value add phone calls to your accounts department.

This integration can also use customer information from Pastel Partner to filter the products so that a customer can only see the products they are allowed to buy in your e-commerce store.

Maintain single source customer pricing

Pastel Partner is your single source of customer prices. The integration sources retail prices, wholesale prices and customer specific prices from Pastel Partner and makes it available on your e-commerce system.

B2B customers will see their specific prices when they log on the system and this includes customer specific discounts, volume discounts and specials.

Pastel Partner integrated e-commerce store for your specs

Our aim is to offer comprehensive e-commerce integration to Pastel Partner, but there are always business scenarios and requirements that we have not yet encountered. If you have specific requirements that are not catered for, please contact us to explore ways to meet your needs.

What you need to do

We integrate to Pastel Partner using our proprietary integration software.

We need to understand if your e-commerce needs are to sell to:

  • The public at retail prices, i.e. our business-to-consumer (B2C) solution, or

  • Businesses at customer specific prices, i.e. our business-to-business (B2B) solution, or

  • Both the public and businesses

You can read more about the above mentioned products here or see our B2B pricing and B2C pricing.

Alternatively contact us for a free consultation where we answer your specific questions or help you to get set up.

Use us to change your game

Get in touch for a free consultation today