Microsoft Navision Integration
Microsoft Navision integration
Align business systems automatically with Microsoft Navision integration
Microsoft Navision is a comprehensive ERP system that holds most of the e-commerce information required for your online store. All the relevant e-commerce information in Microsoft Navision is transferred by our integration seamlessly to your e-commerce store, right from the bare basics. This includes item number, product name to item dimensions, item height, width, length and weight required for courier integration.
The data in your e-commerce store can also be directly populated to your e-commerce store using the information that is not stored in Microsoft Navision. This can be your promotional and training/instructional videos, technical spec sheets, user manuals, marketing and product brochures, and installation manuals. To find out more about our Microsoft Navision integration process, contact our team for a free demo and consultation!
Our comprehensive Microsoft Navision integration with our e-commerce software is available both for businesses that sell at customer specific wholesale prices, as well as to the public at retail prices. This means you don’t have to maintain data in two places or keep systems aligned manually. We cater for:
Products flagged for e-commerce,
Stock or inventory levels,
Sales orders, delivery track & trace information recent order history,
Customers, recent account & financial transactions, and
Retail, wholesale and customer specific prices
Maintain an always up to date product list
Our eCommerce software ensures that products sold through your eCommerce store are always up to date and accessible to your customers. Only active products and products flagged for eCommerce are visible.
To do this, a custom catalogue item flag or any other existing field used for this purpose is used. If you no longer want to sell a product on your e-commerce store, or if the product is still under development, you can remove the catalogue item flag to remove the item from the store. This can also be done when a product’s status is changed to inactive, or if it is deleted in Microsoft Navision. If you want to add the products back to your eCommerce store, all you need to do is change the indicators back again.
Smooth order processing with accurate stock or inventory levels
While you have the option not to make your stock availability in your eCommerce store visible to your customers, keep in mind that making it visible adds to your credibility. Our e-commerce software helps you prevent situations where your customer is frustrated about ordering items that are not in stock, thereby reducing your back-end administrative workload necessitating order reversals and managing expectations.
If your stock is fast moving, then making sure that your stock levels are up to date with your Microsoft Navision system can be a challenge. Our e-commerce software integration synchronises your stock levels from various warehouses and branches between Microsoft Navision and your e-commerce system.
It enables you to maximise your e-commerce functionality and use various options to display stock levels to your customers, such as:
Show the exact numbers of stock available,
Indicate availability of stock with an icon or plain wording, or
Hide the stock indicator,
Whether or not you decide to show stock to your customers, you can still take advantage of functionality such as temporarily hiding items with 0 stock or prioritising in-stock items on search results.
Smooth, error-free sales order processing
A key benefit of e-commerce software systems is the automation of the manual and error prone placing of sales orders, from a much wider customer base. The e-commerce system is available 24×7 allowing your customers to place orders any time they want, outside business hours on weekends and on public holidays.
When customers order online, our integration places the e-commerce order directly in your Microsoft Navision system. In addition, we also make the Microsoft Navision order number available to the customer so that any subsequent enquiries can be dealt with quickly and efficiently.
If you want to first review the order, we can leave the order unreleased. Alternately, we can release it to speed up the logistics process so that activities such as printing packing lists in the warehouse is triggered immediately to facilitate speedy order fulfilment.
For the customer, accessing their order is easy via the order list which will show them the order details, status, invoices and delivery track and trace information where provided. The customer can also reorder the items on the order, download the order or e-mail the order to a nominated email address.
Through our e-commerce software, we offer business customers further functionality on our B2B solution. The e-commerce system can do various checks all based on your current process before placing the order, such as:
Payment methods available to the customer,
Whether the customer has enough credit available if paying by account,
Whether or not to allow the customer to change delivery address
Compute the earliest delivery time for the order,
Allowing the customer to order out of stock items
Integrated customer database
All the required B2B customer information needs are met with the integration to Microsoft Navision. Consequently, each business user is linked to a customer account and ship-to address from Microsoft Navision, with the option of being associated to specific stores or branches.
To prevent non-value add phone calls to your accounts department, customer relevant account information such as recent invoices, credit limits and payment methods are synchronised from Microsoft Navision and can be accessed online by the customer.
Besides the above, this integration can filter products using the customer information from Microsoft Navision so that a customer can only see the products they can buy.
Comprehensive pricing information at your fingertips
Microsoft Navision is your single source of customer prices. The integration sources retail prices, whole sale prices and customer specific prices from Microsoft Navision and makes them available to your e-commerce system.
When they log on the system, B2B customers will see their specific prices including customer specific discounts, volume discounts and specials.
Contact us for custom e-commerce store integration solutions with Microsoft Navision
While our goal is to offer comprehensive e-commerce integration to Microsoft Navision, we understand that there are always unique business scenarios and requirements that we have not yet encountered. If you have specific requirements not covered in our e-commerce software, please do get in touch to discuss solutions.
What you need to do
We integrate to Microsoft Navision using web services. It has great functionality that allows you to expose your standard Microsoft Navision transactions as web services. If you are interested in this integration, please contact your Microsoft Navision provider to expose the relevant transactions as web services for us to consume.
Please also let us know if your e-commerce goals are to sell to:
The public at retail prices, i.e. our business-to-consumer solution, or
Businesses at customer specific prices, i.e. our business-to-business solution, or
Both the public and businesses
You can read more about the above mentioned products here or see our B2B pricing and B2C pricing.
We invite you to contact us for a free consultation where we answer your specific questions and schedule a demo.